This section aims to highlight all of the transport options in Moscow to help you get from A to B while you travel between various transport connections.

The system of unified tickets for all modes of transport is used to travel around Moscow. There are two types of travel cards: "Troyka" (Тройка) and "Ediniy" (Единый). For guests of the city and tourists it is more convenient to purchase the "Ediniy" (Единый) ticket.


The "Ediniy" card allows you to take trips on metro, monorail, bus, trolley or tram. One trip per ticket equals one pass on any type of transport. The ticket is valid within the territory of Moscow, including Zone B. There is a wide variety of rates. The choice of which card to purchase depends on how often and for how long it will be necessary for you to move around Moscow. You can buy a ticket for 1, 2, 20, 40 or 60 trips, for 90 minutes, for 1, 3 or 7 days in the terminals and at ticket offices of the metro, in the terminals near public transport stops, as well pay for one bus trip to a bus driver.


1 trip – 55 roubles

2 trips- 110 roubles

20 trips- 747 roubles

1 day – 218 roubles

3 days - 415 roubles

90 minutes – 65 roubles (you may choose any type of transport during 90 minutes)

For more information about rates, please check here

Useful links:

Moscow transport routes with interactive map you can find here

Full bus routes and timetable information you can find here

Alternatively, you can find a full route information by entering your location and your destination on the 2GIS website

Moscow Metro