Home - News - 20th Anniversary Conference of the Heads of University Management & Administration Network Europe

22 June 2017

On June 9-10, IEE Director Alexander Grudzinsky took part in the 20th Conference of the Heads of University Management & Administration Network Europe (HUMANE) hosted by the Collège de France (Paris).  The topic of the conference was “Redefining university leadership in a volatile world”.

The conference was attended by the top administrators of the leading European universities, including  Oxford, Stockholm, Warsaw, Edinburgh, Helsinki, Ghent, Lisbon, Madrid and several others. Consistent with the global higher education challenges, the Paris Anniversary Conference focused on crisis leadership in universities in a volatile world. For example, Prof. Thierry Coulhon, Adviser for Higher Education and Science of the French President, gave a presentation on "Leading universities in turbulent times",  Prof. Baroness Alison Wolf from King’s College London presented her report "Global higher education and bureaucratised universities: why does one produce the other?". The themes of some other reports were: "Crisis leadership in a chaotic world: navigating the unknown", "Reputation at stake: leadership, authority and trust in crisis communications", etc. Director of the UNN Institute of  Economics and Entrepreneurship A.O. Grudzinsky is a member of HUMANE and represents Russian universities in its governing body - the HUMANE Round Table (Assembly).