Internet application RecSoc developed by graduates of UNN Digital Department
The application converts audio recordings into text format, separates participants of a conversation and provides primary text analysis. The project was implemented by graduates of the UNN Digital Department. The project team included a student of the Faculty of Computer Science of Penza State University who worked in collaboration with students of the UNN Advanced School of General and Applied Physics, the Institute of Information Technology, Mathematics and Mechanics and the Faculty of Social Sciences. The Lad IT Academy also took part in the project.
Unlike similar apps that already exist, RecSoc enables unlimited use of all features.
The main functions of RecSoc include:
- adding one or more audio files,
- viewing statistics on frequency of word usage by individual speakers,
- listening to the audio recording,
- working with the text (highlighting with colour and filtering remarks),
- transcribing the audio recording and presenting it in text format with separation by speakers,
- editing the transcription.
This app can enhance the performance of all those who often work with information and transcribe long interviews and quotes, including media employees, social media marketing managers and copywriters. It will also improve the quality of transcription and analysis by providing more accurate audio-to-text conversion and better algorithms for automatic classification of participants.