Home - News RSS feed - Lobachevsky University scientists have developed a nanocomplex that can cure cancer

The results were published in the international rating journal PNAS. Studies are conducted on rodents. The medication was injected to the mice that have cancer. The result exceeds all expectations.

Researcher of the laboratory of optical theranostic of the Institute of biology and Biomedicine of Lobachevsky University Natalia Shilyagina: "in experiments on cell cultures, we have shown that this medication is effective, that is, it kills tumor cells, in addition, we noticed the same trend on animals that are tumor carriers."
The task was to create a drug of local action, so as not to harm healthy cells. The stable isotope yttrium-89 was taken as a basis. In its crystal an artificial radioactive isotope yttrium-90 was placed. Isotope yttrium-90 is widely used in radiation therapy.
Researcher of the laboratory of optical theranostic of the Institute of biology and Biomedicine of Lobachevsky University Evgeny Guryev: "Taking into account that it is a beta-emitter, its therapeutic effect is limited to a certain area. The path of electrons that emit yttrium-90 is just few millimeters, it also allows you to have a targeted, local effect on the tumor and reduce side effects on the surrounding tissue."
The medication itself scientists call combined. And it is its peculiarity. Scientists attache molecules of poison on the outer contour of the crystal with a radioactive isotope. Approximately the same toxin that occurs in gangrene.
To explain their interaction and impact on the tumor we can use military terminology. Yttrium is an artillery. Sighting blows are applied on a large area of the tumor. At this moment, the dying tumor requests help from the body to recover. The poison is used to make it impossible to update the tumor.
Leading scientist of the laboratory of optical theranostic of the Institute of biology and Biomedicine of Lobachevsky University Andrey Zvyagin: "Using ionizing radiation as a therapeutic agent, we achieved a certain positive effect, using poison, we achieved therapeutic action and effect, but when we combined them, we were amazed that the combined effect exceeded the effect of individual medicatio a thousand times. It's fantastic."
Individually yttrium and poison destroy, for example, hundreds of cells, and in a combined version of hundreds of thousands of cancer cells. In addition, the nanocomplex has a targeted impact on a malignant tumor, that is, it kills only the cell on which it was programmed and shines in a certain light, which will allow doctors to see whether the tumor and its metastases died.