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Any university's success can be measured by the degree of foreign colleagues' interest in cooperating with it. An online conference with UNN alumni who are currently faculty members at foreign universities took place at Lobachevsky University on October 30. Faculty members from higher education institutions in Austria, the UK, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the USA, who graduated over different years from the UNN, discussed Lobachevsky University's development programme with the UNN Rector Elena Zagaynova. Professor Zagaynova, who initiated this meeting that has brought together UNN graduates from different parts of the world, noted that the idea of attracting foreign colleagues who graduated from Lobachevsky University was born by chance, but within the framework of the Strategic Academic Leadership Programme this cooperation would be very beneficial for our students:

"Now, as Lobachevsky University is preparing to take part in the Strategic Academic Leadership Programme, we are aware of the need to have the support of our foreign colleagues who work at universities with good scientific, educational and campus practices. Our University's reset, which is already underway, should take place in consultation with the world's leading universities, where, quite fortunately, some of our graduates are employed who know their home university from A to Z".

It should be also noted that in the future Lobachevsky University will establish its international alumni council operating on a permanent basis. Some of our graduates have already started work to develop exclusive programmes for students from various fields. "Citius. Altius. Fortius" - this is probably a very appropriate motto for the efforts aimed to create a new Lobachevsky University.