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Archaeological team "Meotida" consisting of students of the UNN Institute of International Relations and World History and volunteers discovered a terracotta image of the goddess Cybele. A ceramic non-glazed article made of colored clay with a porous structure was found on the excavation site Polyanka of the ancient Greek town in the Crimea. People lived here in the I century BC. With the goddess Cybele, they personified Mother Nature and called Cybele "the great mother of the gods." Ancient art represented the goddess in the form of a richly dressed matron with a tower-shaped crown on her head. The Nizhny Novgorod team has been working at the Polyanka site in the East Crimean expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2010. Last year, UNN archaeologists found here a fragment of the premises that included an "altar" and a pit. According to archaeologists, these finds reflect the life of the local population in the ancient times. The cultural layers are filled with rubble stone and large fragments of rock. This draws a picture of the devastating earthquakes that once shook the coast of the Azov Sea.